
Monday, October 29, 2007


Designs can change the world. This may sound lofty but it is something that people have come to believe and that has been reinforced by other designers; discussed and debated at conferences. Sure it is a lofty belief but it keeps things going. Anybody loves and appreciates good design. But you have to admit that ultimately the design of anything is only successful when it clearly communicates its message. Unlike art, there are rules in design: there are the grids that one builds within and the brands that contain them. What is the key to survive such a rigorous structure? Knowing when to break the grid and holding nothing sacred.

Design is always a passionate endeavour. But Creative Strategy is not. And design has to be innovative. Can you imagine a world without innovation? A world without basic medicine such as penicillin where a minor infection could be life threatening; a world where we still take our clothes down to the riverbank and beat them with rocks to clean them; a world where we cannot store food for longer than a day because we have no way to chill or freeze. It is hard to imagine. Steve Hilton argues that ‘behind every great brand lies a valuable social benefit delivered through innovation’ and cites some recent examples of how brands have improved customers’ lives in developing countries. And behind every leading brand there is good innovative design to market it.

Brands are everywhere. There is nowhere in the western world you can go where you will not see, buy or encounter a brand in some shape or form. As widespread, however, is the lack of understanding about the nature and role of brands. When you buy a can of Coke anywhere in the world you are assured of three things: firstly, a distinctive product; secondly, a great taste and thirdly, an assurance of a high level of quality, a quality that the consumer has become accustomed to and trusts to deliver their expectations. The truth is that people like brands. One benefit of brands’ cultural ubiquity is the ability to harness a widespread appeal for promoting social good.

Logo designs have a widespread influence on consumer attitudes towards brands. Logos have played an important role not only in brand promotion but have also come handy for conveying the brands motive across to its targeted consumers. Coca Cola has used its brand to create sexual health campaigns in Africa to combat AIDS; McDonald’s has a long tradition of supporting local communities; MTV has used its organization to change attitudes towards issues such as AIDS, environmental protection and human rights and ASDA supermarkets have campaigned against domestic violence. All these big brands have employed creative skills to convey the message through their logos.
Researchers have found that brand name characteristics and their effects on either memory or attitudes have been of primary importance. Although research claims brand logos generate positive consumer response to the brand. On one side, consistency has been shown to have positive impact on attitude. This could be epitomized by integrated marketing communications where brand elements “should talk with a single voice", to consumers in order to enhance brand attitudes. On the other side moderate incongruity effects have been shown to have a positive impact on attitudes as well. The figurativeness of logos have increased the coherence in communication signs and led to unique brand building strategies. People need someone or something to depend upon, and they choose well-known brands, while shopping, because they are assured that they can depend upon the brand. The known logo the known color, the recognized design- all makes them believe, 'yes , this is something that will not betray me. This is some thing I can rely upon.’

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