
Monday, October 29, 2007


A graphic designer friend of mine sent me this email the other day with the header "Awesome Marketing Strategy":

When we got home there was a 9"x12"x4" box with the mail. The return address was a printer in Cranston, RI that I had heard about but never used. I opened the box and under a top layer of crinkled paper was a piece of their letterhead with this message:

"It's a safe bet that a passion for knitting may not be the only thing we have in common..."

Attached to the note was a pair of 9", #10 bamboo knitting needles. A business card was tied to the needles. I teach knitting and have a couple of students with the same first name, but a quick visit to the printer's web site showed me an unfamiliar face. So I sent her an e-mail.

Long story short: this relatively new sales rep got my name, probably from their database, cruised my website and saw links to knitting websites.
I met her this past Wednesday and we had a wonderful conversation about knitting. She's really great and a go-getter. I think she will probably get my business when I have a printing job.

This was an "Awesome Marketing Strategy" for many reasons. First, the message delivery method was different which made her stand out in a pile of mail. Rather than send the typical envelope or a postcard, this sales rep sent a box, something that would stand out and would not be thrown away. This is a technique I have used myself and I often encouraged clients to "think inside the box" when it come to direct mail.

Why? Because a box guarantees your direct mail piece will be opened. Boxes, big or small, always end up on top of a stack of mail. Gatekeepers would never open a box addressed to someone else and the "little kid at Christmas" in all of us ensures that the intended recipient will be compelled to open a box to see what it is.

The second reason this was an "Awesome Marketing Strategy" was that her message was creative, compelling, and left the recipient wanting more. The rep wetted my friend's appetite and did not overwhelm her with capabilities brochures, samples or special offers. This marketing piece didn't try to do too much. It did what it was supposed to do; it introduced the company, the rep and extended an offer to begin a dialog. But more importantly, this piece made an offer to begin a relationship based on something other than doing business together.

This is great example of how to begin a true relationship with a prospect. Instead of just marketing at my friend, the rep marketed to her, while setting the stage for a potential friendship. By doing her homework, this rep found a basis for a friendship and who wouldn't want to do business with a friend? They now have something in common besides a potential order and when my friend needs a printer, she will call this rep.
So this rep has taught us how to stand out and catch a prospect's attention, but more importantly the lesson from this story is that instead of looking at a prospect in terms of just a sale, we should ask ourselves "Why can't we be friends?"


Forget about Oprah's latest "Eat..Pray...Love," phenomenon book. This week I am personally enjoying "Advanced Brand Management,"by Paul Temporal...and I have to say it is quite wonderful;) Even more wonderful if you're really trying to define your brand. One of the most crucial decisions a company can make.

Author Temporal urges companies to analyze what business they are really in....for example a brand like Volvo is not selling cars they are selling "Safety" and a brand like Donald Trump is not selling books, suits or even real estate he is selling "Success." To translate this concept into the style industry we sometimes drift a little bit more towards the superficial.... Although the same principle applies.

A lot of jean companies want to sell a "great butt." A luxury handbag company may sell "status"... while a shoe company sells... "long legs." Each of them with an undertone of confidence. Perfumers are also famous for using images and scent to sell sex.... glamour... and passion. To be fair an organic tee shirt company may sell a "clean environment,"...and a product in the"Philosophy," beauty line... literally sells "Hope in a Jar." (now that sounds good).

Getting to the core of what your customers really want allow you to speak their language and positions a want as an absolute need. It sounds cheesy but deep down inside we are all just looking to buy things that at the end of the day make us feel good. Good branding gives us something to stand on...something to turn to in times of doubt and insecurity.

The other great thing about branding is that when you can take the emotional value of what you're selling...combine it with what you're actually selling and then sell it for all that it's worth it can be priceless. So cut out the guess work and paint a pretty picture of a desirable result......if you actually pull through and deliver your customers will love you for it.

Ralinda Harvey is the owner of Gloss Marketing, marketing and merchandising firm specializing in contemporary fashion companies. Ralinda has worked in merchandising and marketing for Michael Stars as well as Gap Inc. brands Gap and Old Navy. She has also served as an adjunct marketing instructor at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising.


Just as business organizations need quality logos to represent their business and state their business objectives, in the same way religious groups and organizations need descriptive yet simple logos to present their ideals and thoughts. However, as compared to logos or other organizations and businesses, religious logos are more conservative and make use of sober and formal designs to give an aura of seriousness and earnestness.

In this regard, not only the logo design, but the font, style, colors as well as the symbols give an outlook of simplicity and solemnity. It has been noticed that most of the religious symbols make use of crosses, angelic symbols like angelic symbols including Mary and Jesus or palm tress while Satan, fire, dove and sun are some more of the symbols used in religious logos. However, it is to be noted that these symbols, fonts and styles depend on the religious group or the organization making use of these logos. While some of the organizations are related directly related to religion such as church or church group, others might be of a more public nature offering spiritual guidance or help.

A large number of religious institutions and leaders have been noticed using crosses and angelic symbols to denote spiritual faith and heavenly guidance that can help people in time of need. In most of the cases, Eucharist and other related symbols are used to represent the Christian faith.

The colors used in religious logos are strong and vibrant ranging from red, green and yellow. White and black in some cases are very appropriate depending upon the theme and the images used in the logo. These colors represent a contrast of life and death as well as faith and strength in religion; spiritual healing and harmony among the Christian believers. On the other hand, many religious institutions use light and bright colors like pale pink or yellow to give a sense of light and uplift in their logos to make them more attractive and eye-catching.

As religion is a force that binds people and unifies them, a religious logos need to be done in such a way to give a vision of oneness and seem like driving force. As religious logos do not aim to earn profits and money, they are not supposed to look hi-tech or entertaining, but one thing is essential, they should be good-looking and attractive for people looking at them. They should have the power to draw people towards religion and salvation. No matter if the logo belongs to a ministry, church, outreach group, religious event or a religious activity; it is the most important aspect.

Fonts are also a very important part of these logos; straight and bold fonts are very suitable for such logos and altered to match with color they complete a religious logo. Religious as well as spiritual logos are conservative in nature and a font such as Times New Roman or Corisva or any conservative looking fonts add to this look.

One very important thing for designing religious logos is that they should not offend any religious group or people belonging to any faith. Being a serious issue, it should be sober and give an impression of being a simple design. Just as religion is for all, in the same way a religious logo should look appealing and inspiring to all and give a message of spirituality and unity. All religious logos should be designed very thoughtfully giving special consideration to the message they want to convey through their imagery and fonts.


Political logos are very important for political parties as well as the candidates who are contesting elections. Along with this, political logos are significant for a country and its political agenda. In most of the cases, a political logo has to be a registered trademark that no one else can copy or cheat, rendering it useless.

Political logos help to convey a party's ideals and their standards to the general public who will vote for them. A political logo can also belong to a political leader as well as a group representing them in the political arena. One of the most important things to be considered in political logos is that they should be very powerful representatives of a candidate's or a party's agenda.

As seen in political logos from all over the world, it has been noticed that they are as trendy, colorful and promotional and as attractive as they can be. Take for example the logos for US presidential logos; all of them urge people to vote for their candidate in the strongest possible ways.

Along with this, these logos should be patriotic and have the colors of the respective country where the candidate resides, to give it a homely touch and make people believe in their sincerity to country and nation.

Another very important feature of political logos is that they should be inspiring. They should inspire people to come forward and either vote for them or join them for the betterment of the country. One of inspiring aspects of political logos is use of any symbol that represents progress and development. In this regard eagle, soaring and high rise buildings and a national monument or joined hands are some of the commonly used features. Many political logos also make use of playing children, people standing together and other such images that portray a friendly environment that the candidate promises to provide once s/he is in power.

As the political logo will be used on a variety of places for promotional purposes such as brochures, TV campaigns or badges, it should have elaborate image or graphics. The logo should be clear and decipherable with a meaningful message that is understood in the first glance. These political logos play an important role in attracting people, thus they should be designed very astutely and wisely keeping all the important aspects of an eye-catching and alluring logo design in mind.
Along with the image, a catchy tagline can also help a great deal in promoting a political logo. A small but a very intelligently put tagline can be used to convey the core ideals and principals of a candidate or a political party and cover all the spoken communication by putting the meaning across in few words. All this helps to bring more popularity and as a result more people in the political arena.


As children, we learned the adage, "It's what's on the inside that counts." While that theory teaches a valuable lesson to youngsters, it doesn't tell the whole story. As far as your business goes, there's something else that matters just as much as your service or the quality of your product. It's your image: how customers view your company.

Look at a few of today's top corporations: Starbucks, Nordstrom and GE. Companies with stellar images illustrate that it's not enough to be the best. Your customers must also see you as the best. Before buying from you, clients must view your company as one that:

· Understands their problem or need
· Is competent to help them
· Speaks their language
· Deserves to be trusted

matter what the truth is. That's because, to reach your potential, clients must hold the same opinion of your company that you do. But here's the good news - you can significantly improve your image in 8 simple steps:

1. Assess your current image. You may also use the terms "brand" or "reputation." In any case, compare how customers see you right now with how you want them to see you. Find out their honest opinions by conducting a survey or asking clients directly.

2. Put yourself in your customers' shoes. What do your clients really need or want, and how can you give it to them?

3. Speak your clients' language.

· In today's world, you must stand out - or you won't get noticed. The average person is exposed to 300 to 5,000 marketing messages per day. You have less than 3 seconds to catch their attention. Take yourself as an example: How many direct mail pieces do you actually open? How many newspaper articles do you read from beginning to end? People pay attention to what interests them, so make yourself interesting.

· Get rid of acronyms and jargon unless you know your audience understands them. Just because you comprehend it doesn't mean they will. Talk in terms of problem/solution. Remind customers of their problem or need. Then show how your company is the solution.

4. Toot your horn loudly! Go ahead, it's okay to brag. Tell customers about awards you won, notable accomplishments and testimonials from satisfied clients. Let them know about promotional offers, and give them advice in your field of expertise. Constantly communicate what sets your company apart. The more good your customers hear, the quicker they will forgive a rare bad experience.

5. Tell them until you're blue in the face. It's a hard truth - you are usually more interested in what you have to say than your customers are. Most clients won't read, hear or understand your message the first time around. So emphasize your main points on multiple occasions. As a rule of thumb, if you're tired of your message, it's probably just starting to sink in with your customers!
6. Be consistent.

· Confirm facts. (You would be surprised how many people skip this step.)
· Use spell-checker, but don't depend on it! Or you may end up with sentences like these (taken from actual communications):

o "Our massage treatments help relive your pain."
o "I know judo, karate, jujitsu and other forms of marital arts."
o "We proudly feature some-day shipping."
o Typos can cause customers to question your credibility, so proof your materials carefully.

· Make sure the image your clients see in one vehicle (e.g., your Web site) coincides with what they see in another (e.g., direct mail). Notice the font, logo and colors. Most collateral should keep the same general look-and-feel. Remember, a beautiful home is not built in a day, and neither is your image. You must invest years of hard work to develop an admirable brand, so keep it up.

7. Give your customers a reason to interact. Communication is a two-way street, and clients who feel involved are more likely to be loyal.

· Reality TV typifies this concept. Have you (or your teenager) ever posted a comment on a TV show message board? You would be amazed at how invested viewers become in a weekly reality program. And interactive tools only enhance that loyalty.

· Another example: Many e-commerce Web sites now offer customer reviews.

· How could you incorporate interaction into your communications? Perhaps you should answer a "question of the month" on your Web site, or include a coupon with your direct mail piece. Use your imagination, and add "customer-to-company" communication to your plan.

8. Live up to your promises. Image is (almost) everything, but your service still matters. Don't get so caught up in promoting what a remarkable company you are that you stop doing what made you that way.

Remember, your brand will make or break you. The opinions of your customers can mean the difference between failure and topping your revenue targets. Which will you choose? If you implement the steps shown here - while still offering your clients impeccable products and service - nothing can stop you. You'll have customers for life!


Whether you are just starting a new company, or have been around for a while and need some marketing tips, branding your business should be on the top of your list. Marketing your business by building a brand name isn't just for large companies. Branding your business is essential for growing your company, no matter what size it is. Repetition, consistency, and visibility are the key to success in achieving brand power.

What is branding?

Wikipedia defines brand as including a name, logo, slogan and /or design scheme associated with a product or service. If you are in business today, it's imperative that you brand your business first-rate including logo, website, business cards, letterhead, print ads, television, radio and signage.

Let's break down the key elements for branding your business:


An effective logo should reflect your business. If you examine successful brands that have achieved instant recognition, you'll notice they all have one thing in common - simplicity. It's important that your logo design can be used in many different forms, not just on your website design, letterhead and business cards. Think of how you may want to advertise in the future - will you want to place print ads? Will your logo reproduce well in black and white, and in varied sizes? What about apparel? Will your logo hold up when printed on the t-shirts you'll be passing out at the next trade show?


Your website is your online business card. Your logo should be presented on each of your website pages. Your website design should have intuitive navigation, clear navigation and valuable content. Once your website is up and ready to go, you should promote your site online via press releases and business networking sites. Don't forget to register your site with Google and most importantly, your contact information should be visible on every page - especially your phone number.

Business Cards

Business cards should have a clean, uncluttered design. Make sure they display your logo and present a professional image of your company. Include all forms of contact, and don't forget your web address! Some people choose to purchase double-sided business cards, and print just their web address on the back, so it stands out. Business cards are often your first point of contact with a potential client, and we all know first impressions make all the difference.


Your letterhead should also include your logo and contact information. Use your company letterhead for all correspondence with potential and current clients. All of your branding elements should coordinate with one another and present a consistent reflection of your company.You now have all the tools you need to project a professional image and start getting your company name out there. Don't try to cut corners and save money on these paramount items. Remember, you're building a company brand!


A good business slogan should do more than simply say a little more about your business or entice people to come by your store. A good business slogan should motivate customers to engage in your product or service. Business Slogans motivate customers and positions your business.

A business slogan is the ribbon that ties the package and holds it all together. Just as there are many types of businesses there are also many types of slogans. Here are few to choose from when forming your business slogans.

1. Business Slogans-A Unique Perspective - one of the things you want your business slogan to do is show how you are different from your competitors. By using the catch phrase to illustrate how unique or special your particular business is you can attract people to your company. A slogan that says "Rare books and home treasures" might draw people to a bookstore because they believe there are books there that you cannot find any place else. That keeps them from running to the local Barnes and Noble's because they believe they can find something special at your shop. Uniqueness is a great motivator in our cookie-cutter business climate.

2. Business Slogans- An Advantage - a major question we ask all the time is, "what's in it for me?" A slogan that can show how using your business above others will be a benefit or bring and advantage to your customers is a great way to bring their attention toward you. In our competitive world-view, everyone wants to think they have and edge over others. A business slogan that shows people you can help them faster, farther or with more specific care will swing public opinion to your side. A taxi company whose slogan is "We get there first!" has a great advantage because people are always in a hurry. Business slogans that provide advantage make a logical argument for your cause.

3. Business Slogans- An Inquiry - human beings love to interact and be part of a specific idea or train of thought. If you want to know people better, you should ask them questions. A business slogan phrased as an inquiry can encourage people to engage your business because they take the question into themselves and in answering it, discover they are interested in what you are marketing. If you ran a dry cleaning business and wanted people to be coming involved with your store you might have a slogan like "Would you want your wear to get the best care?" People seeing the slogan would automatically say to themselves "Yes, I would like my clothes to get good care" - then they assume that your cleaners have offer that service. Question business slogans must be set up in a way to solicit a positive answer, but they serve businesses well when it comes to customer buy in.

4. Business Slogans- A Goal - From the earliest scientific experiments of rats in mazes to constant venues of social psychology, human beings have shown repeatedly that we engage in goal setting behavior. A business slogan that sets a goal gives people something to work toward in a structured and well organized fashion. What they don't realize is the pursuit of their goal will bring them in direct contact with you. For example, and internet market company is trying to find new clients to use its services. Under its name the slogan is "Your name in every mail box". For people trying to sell something online, that would be an outstanding goal to achieve. They would certainly investigate that company to see if it can help them reach their goals.

5. Business Slogans- A Smile - Humor is a good approach (unless you have a serious business, like a hospital or funeral home - no one wants a funny doctor). Making people smile and feel good gives them the idea that your company can also provide the same level of comfort and ease. A pun on words or interesting rhyme may be just the thing to keep people running in your direction. A local donut company's slogan "A hole lot of goodness" has kept them in business for years simply because it makes people smile - and that's what donuts are supposed to do.

Creating a business slogan requires a professional ability to analyze which motivating factor would best suit your business. With the right business slogan, your business message will break through the clutter and motivate prospects to engage with your business.


The complexity of business name ideas reflects a central truth: one of the marks of a successful person is their ability to make the difficult seem easy. Some people believe that choosing a name for your business to be one of the easier parts of starting an enterprise. People who believe that are part of the reason many businesses fail within their first few years. Business names require more than just something trendy that sounds cute on a business card. There are laws, and social psychology that come into play to choosing business name ideas.

Business Name Ideas- State Laws

In the United States, individual states have the right to make laws about business names. Many states require you to formally file a business name. If you are the sole proprietor of a company, they expect you to use your name for the business unless you file a form with an official trade name, or alternate owner.

Most people who begin a company or small business turn to trades groups that specialize in names and know the laws that have to be employed to ensure that the name should meet the criteria and should be filed accordingly. A business name must also comply with community standards for language use and any other state statutes reflecting on the nature of the names.

Business Name Ideas- Copyrights

Another thing to consider is when generating business name ideas is whether your company violates any major copyright laws or infringes on the property of another. Never assume a local business is too small to come under scrutiny of larger and more legalistic companies.

A large corporate coffee shop sued a small local coffee house in El Paso, Texas named Jamocha because the name infringed on one of their "signature creations". The small shop did not have the money or power to take on the corporation and instead changed their name. This cost the small company profits in reissuing everything from menu's to state paperwork.

Be sure your business name ideas could in no way involve the name of a corporation that has copyright or trade regulations in its favor.

Business Name Ideas- Catchy Doesn't Cut It

After all the laws are met, there is still human psychology to consider. Some thing a catchy or cute name will be enough to get the customer interested, however that only goes so far. Many people can remember and even comment on a cute name, but will never go into the store or business. Business name ideas have to do more than just roll off the tongue. They must also tell the potential customer what the business is about.

Consider the case of a book and coffee shop named Miss Muffet's Tuffet. Thinking they were capitalizing on the well known nursery rhyme, they picked a cute name for their store where they wanted people to sit down and read. However, the number one comment the owner began to hear around town was, "what is that place?" The name was changed to Miss Muffet's Coffee Emporium and business began to accrue.

Business Name Ideas- It's All About Meaning

One of the most important things a business needs to look at while choosing business name ideas is how it is going to be perceived in the mind of the target customer. By studying the psychological effects of words and their abilities to motivate human behavior, business image professionals are able to help make sure the name means the same thing to the audience as it does to the owner. A good name should both be memorable, and clear about the intent or product of the business.

Business Name Ideas- Layers of Motivation

While a good name adds meaning, a great name also involves layers of understanding that people can relate with. In other words, not only does the name encourage people to know what the business does, but also helps people attach values like safety, longevity and prosperity to its name. In the above example, Miss Muffet's Coffee Emporium uses the word "Emporium" to give the business credibility. Emporium is an older word that associates stability, class and culture with its meaning. All those ideas work together the give the customer a visual and emotional mindset that helps them anticipate the store.
Picking a name may seem like a small part of starting your businesses. However, you want to pursue your business name ideas with care, because if your first step is a bad one you'll pay for it later on.


Anyone who works in business and is responsible for company slogans knows that people don't do business simply because it's convenient, interesting or available. They do business because they have been motivated to do so. There are a number of ways businesses can motivate people to use their particular business or shop at their store; however one of the best is through company slogans. Company Slogans generate sales.
Company Slogans Reveal Purpose

People like to support businesses that show they have a higher purpose than just making money (even though we all know that's what people go into business to do). They want to think the business are supporting is focused on supporting the customer, establishing justice or simply doing some good in the world. When a customer or client can believe the sentiment of a company slogan that shows the business has a purpose in mind it makes them feel good about spending their money. Purpose is a mainstay of business that deals in client or social services.

Company Slogans Retain Memory

One of the best things about slogans is their ability to embed themselves in the mind of consumers. A company slogan that is quick or catchy and even fun to repeat has the ability to move from the frontal lobe of the brain (where we keep all things for a few minutes to an hour) to longer-term memory.

Once something embeds itself in our long-term memory we can associate with the business every time we think of the topics. When Allstate Insurance began to use the company slogan "The Good Hands People" - their returning and new customer markets went up because people could remember that for long periods of time. After having an accident or purchasing a new car "The Good Hands People" was the first thing people who think of calling. A memorable slogan is like having constant contact with your consumers no matter where they are.

Company Slogans Set the Tone

Depending on your company and your target consumer, there are certain things you want people to think about your company. A company slogan helps set the tone for how people will see or understand your business.

If you are leaning toward a young and trendy group of consumers, you want them to think of your business as innovative, active and modern. A slogan like "We're all about now" or HP's "the Computer Is Personal Again" reflect a hip postmodern attitude that is likely to attract younger consumers. However, if you are in the business of financial planning or something that tends to target middle-aged and older consumers you want to rely on tradition and stability, which is what that group is looking for. Company Slogans like "We make money the old fashioned way" or "The same recipe for 100 years and counting" are sentences that will drive older consumers to your doorway.

Slogans Support Company Names

Not everyone gets to name their company. Some people buy into or inherit a company with a registered trade name that it would hurt the business to change. A good slogan can add some luster to a company that is stuck with a dead end name. Let's say you buy out "ABC Pest Control" - the name itself is not very exciting. However, with a good company slogan "Big solutions to little pests" makes the company seem fun and effectual. That's the power of a strong slogan - the ability to support a name and giver a fuller view of the company in order to connect with the client at their level. No matter what your business name turns out to be, a spicy slogan can bring customers in and keeps the business flowing.
When you think about it, we are surrounded by slogans every day. We don't always notice them, but they work their way into our subconscious and allow us to remember names, choose businesses based on our needs and preferences and know more about the companies we support. Company slogans are an important part of business for both the owner, and the customer. As your business gets started, take the time to get a company slogan that makes sense, adds character and shows the full potential of your business for both established and new customers to see.


Remember the Tom Hanks movie, "That Thing You Do"? Do you remember what the band in the movie named themselves? They were The Oneders. They wanted to be like the Beatles and have an unusual spelling of their band name. Well, how did you just pronounce that in your head? Did you remember that it was "The WONDERS", or did you look at it and think, "What the heck is an O'NEEDER? As you may recall, a radio DJ called them, "The O'NEEDERS". Their name was a bit too "out there" and people failed to see the clever little twist on the spelling. It just doesn't pay to get funky with a name.

As you start your business, there are several considerations for naming it. Some people come up with the business name but give no thought to the domain name. You need them to match or your customers won't get to your site and will be confused. Here are some things to think about:

· Domain Names: Domain name experts say that you should limit your domain name to no more than 16 letters. Those shorter names are getting harder and harder to find. So, people sometimes go "funky" and spell common names uncommon ways. Or they add hyphens which also creates a problem. Often, your customers will just end up at the site with the common spelling of your business name. That's never good - especially if that site is a competitor (or a porn site). But, then having a domain name with 37 letters is really hard for customers to get right as they type it in. A domain name can be up to 63 letters - that's like a sentence. Can you imagine trying to get to the right site? Shorter is better, but shorter isn't everything - read on.

· "HUH?" Names: Then there are the names you can't pronounce. There is a company in the scrapbook industry that took me over a year to learn how to say. And even then, whenever I have said it, I hesitate because I don't know if I'm saying it right. It's like when Prince decided to name himself a symbol. How do you pronounce something that looks unpronounceable? What good is a name if no one can say it or spell it?

· "Phansee" (Fancy) Spelling and Foreign Words: Don't get fancy with your name or the spelling. Just because YOU know what that foreign word means (and know it has meaning to your business) doesn't mean that your customers will get it, too. They will most likely just be baffled by the whole thing and unable to spell it properly. If it's too difficult to spell, then stay away from it. Ask others about it - don't rely on yourself to decide. You need some outside input on this one. Others aren't in love with the name or the spelling the way you are. If they are puzzled by it, move on.

· Room to Grow: Another consideration when picking a business name is to make sure your name is appropriately expandable, yet descriptive of your business. Easier said than done in a lot of cases. For instance, my business name is "ScrapBiz". It's very descriptive of what I do, but, if I wanted to help stampers start a business, would it fit? Probably not. It's very narrow in focus. Yet, when Amazon started, it made no sense. I remember thinking, "What a stupid name for a bookstore". It still is a silly name, but they have overcome it. Most of us don't get big enough to overcome those naming oddities. So, as you consider naming your business, do so with thoughtfulness. It will be one of the most important decisions you make as you start down the entrepreneurial path and changing names down the road because you realize you made a mistake is not nearly as easy as making sure you pick the right name in the first place.


Companies all over the world have been embroidering their logos onto t-shirts for many years now, but it has always been done by hand. This means that the process takes a significant length of time and is quite expensive because of the manual labor. But with the introduction of digital embroidery machinery, putting corporate logo embroidery on t-shirts and other material is now more easily done.

Just a few years ago, if you want to have corporate logo embroidery for your company, you would have to go through several steps. First, you need to have a tangible drawing of what you want the image or lettering to look like. Then you have to mail out the drawing to a shop that makes corporate logo embroidery, or have it personally delivered there.

Upon placing your order, you would have to wait several days or even weeks before the finished items are delivered, since they will all be done by hand.

With all the technological advancements that we have now, you no longer have to go through all that. You simply need to e-mail a digital copy of your company's logo to the corporate logo embroidery shop.

Within a couple of days, you will receive the finished products. Since they are all digitally manufactured, you can be sure that each item with your corporate logo embroidery is identical to the original design.

The people at the corporate logo embroidery shop, however, have a little more work to do. Just because practically everything is digital does not mean that the machines will take care of everything. Artists at the shop have the task of refining the image downloaded to the embroidery machine so that it looks exactly like what the client wants.

To minimize any miscalculations in preparing the corporate logo embroidery design, make sure that you send a very clear digital copy of your company's logo.

There are a lot of companies now that offer corporate logo embroidery, but if for some reason you can't find one in your city, just search the Internet. Most of these corporate logo embroidery companies will be more than happy to take your order even if you are located on the other end of the continent. After all, technology has made shipping more convenient as well.

Embroidery Authority is one of the best companies in the country right now that do corporate logo embroidery. The quality of their products is impeccable, and their services are very reasonably priced.If you want the logo to be in front of shirt, that would cost a little over $40, and if you want a larger design at the back, they will charge you between $150 and $250, depending on the complexity of the design you want.


"Logo" plays an important role to your business success. If you have a good and professional looking Logo to your company it reflects you and your company well.Designing of a company logo is more important as company itself, because the logo carries the company identity. Logos help to make the customers to aware of your company and your company products.

Designing of business cards, brochures and stationeries also have the same important.Only experts can do the professional designs and they can understand the companies' needs and will design as your needs. The business cards also will have your company log is better, and also the printing quality should be better.
Your business should have professionally designed stationery to make your business looks more credible. Stationery is the group of business cards, letterhead and envelopes. It should have nice color combinations with your business cards. An investment in professionally designed stationery will pay off every time you hand out your business card and every time you send a letter. Nearly everyone has been handed a cheap business card or received business correspondence on generic letterhead. It leaves you wondering if the business is reliable or if they are fly-by-night. By contrast, professionally designed stationery helps to form a lasting impression in the minds of your employees, business partners and customers. They will not only remember you, but they will know that you are a serious business and that they can trust you.
So if your business has all these professional looking logo and stationeries then the clients and customers will know about you and they will remember you as a trusted business group. The main importance of logo is that to give your company a professional look and to make the customers and your business clients to aware of your products. So it will help your business to move forward. So when you are going to create your logo then meet the experts who can provide you the best and profession look.


As an entrepreneur, I am convinced that promotional advertising specialties, also known as logo branded products, are the most cost effective way to advertise. What are Promotional Advertising Specialties? You take your logo, brand, or slogan, and put it onto a product to create a logo branded product. Sounds simple right? Balloons, pens, pencils, and mugs, right?

Yes and No. Let me dispel the pens-pencils-balloon myth. Promotional advertising specialties include over half a million products that can be branded with your logo and over 75 different branding processes to get the brand onto the product. There are thousands of variations of each of those half a million products, therefore your choices for how to advertise your logo on a product are virtually endless.

What does this mean? This means you can build virtually any product existing in the world today with your logo brand on that product! Your branded products can be given away for free, sold, and/or used as an incentive to close the sale. Branded products can be given as employee recognition gifts, to clients at Christmas, and used for office supplies (a logo branded pen costs about the same as a "Bic" pen, so why advertise for Bic?) So here are three reasons why logo branded products are the most cost effective form of advertising:

1. Promotional Advertising Specialties last longer than media advertising: In 20 years of working with logo branded products, I have seen how effective this advertising is. I created magnetic business cards for my company, and five years later, received a phone call for an order seven states away! The teddy bears I have given at Christmas with The AdStuff Company logo on the T-Shirt have people still talking. The point is, people do not throw away branded products, but they do throw away the daily newspaper, monthly magazine, the TV Guide, etc. Your brand has a longer life sitting on a product or apparel than it does on media.

2. Repetition is the Key to Advertising: Promotional Advertising Specialties are seen over and over again: Each time you put that thermos mug to your lips, you see that logo, over and over and over again. Each time you throw that flyer Frisbee back and forth you read, "Throw a few Ideas around with The AdStuff Company, that brand gets repeated over and over and over..."

3. Promotional Advertising Specialties have multi-dimensional impact: The impact of a beautiful graphic design can be significant and memorable, or that of a super bowl commercial sometimes never forgotten. Yet only a few of the top of top businesses have extravagant advertising budgets. For less than large companies, advertisers want to stretch their advertising budget...Right? Create a branded product that marries your business concept with the product and it will have even more impact for your dollar! For example, you could create a branded blinking pen for advertising a lighted sign company; a Mag-light key chain for a home security alarm company, a compressed T-shirt in the shape of a $1000 bill for a casino (casino logo on the inside of shirt); Did you know about chrome logos? Try a chrome-plated logo on a ball cap for a chrome shop sponsored baseball team. Going beyond pens and balloons to put together a promotional advertising specialty product with your business concept, will bring your brand across in a multi-dimensional and unforgettable way!
Promotional Advertising Specities can be an excellent way to advertise in this day of media blitz, cable TV, and internet advertising--all competing for buyer's attentions. A well chosen tangible advertising product can provide long lasting positive brand recogntion for your company, product, service or mission.


Building a powerful brand by using a consistent marketing strategy is absolutely essential to having a successful and profitable small business.

A powerful brand identity can influence your customers to buy your product or service over your competitors -- even if they have to pay more for it! A powerful brand can influence your customers to think that no one else, but you or your company, can deliver the quality or the benefits that they want.

By building a unique brand identity, you can have the most powerful business edge that your competitors can NEVER take away from you!

The Problem: Your customers are constantly bombarded with marketing messages from your competitors. It's hard to stand out and get your own message heard. You try to have an edge by having a great product or service. But, your competitors just keep creating a similar version of your product or service... or even a better and cheaper version.

The Solution: How do you get a business edge that your competitors can never take away? By building a powerful brand! Having your own brand identity will maximize the effectiveness of your marketing. Branding helps your business by simplifying your customers' decision-- when they need your product or service... they need only to think of you.

Building a Powerful Brand Identity for Your Small Business Doesn't Have to Cost a Lot of Money

Do you think that you would have to have a lot of money in order to build a powerful brand identity for your small business? This is a common misconception. When we think of branding, we often think of IBM, BMW, Coke, McDonald's and the gazillion dollars they spend to build their brands. But, there are creative ways of building a powerful brand without spending a lot of money.

Before you start developing your brand marketing strategy, you must understand what a "brand" is and how it can affect the profitability and success of your business.

What Is a Brand?

A brand can be a name, a phrase, an image, a symbol or a combination of things that tend to identify the products or services of one company as unique or different from its competitors. A brand can represent something intangible about your company, your product or service. It can be a combination of feelings and perceptions about your name, image, quality, reputation and personality.

At its most powerful level, branding creates in the mind of your customers the perception that there is no other company, product or service like yours!

A powerful brand can influence your customers to buy your product or service over your competitors -- even if they have to pay more for it! A powerful brand can influence your customers to think that no one else, but you or your company, can deliver the quality or the benefits that they want.

Why Is Branding Important?

* Your personal reputation or branding can attract and repel opportunities. It has a powerful effect on people's opinions and actions.

* The most powerful marketing you can have is a positive reputation or branding. Your customers will either be attracted to what you have to offer or they will avoid it.

* A good reputation or branding can bring repeat sales without advertising... while a bad one can cause a business to fail.

* People will pay more for a brand that they trust.

* Having a strong brand or reputation can influence people. It can influence people to buy. It can influence people to choose you over your competitors.

* When opportunities are attracted to you and you don't know why, it's often your personal reputation or branding at work.

* A good reputation or brand builds a customer's confidence and trust BEFORE a sale is made.

* Do your very best to protect your reputation and your brand. Even if it took you many years to build it, it will take just a few seconds to destroy it.

* The most successful businesses are not necessarily those with the best employees, products or services.
They are the ones with the best brand due to consistent application of the best marketing strategies and the best brand management.

How Do You Develop Your Own Brand Identity?

Make a decision about your brand building goals before you start developing your brand identity. You want to be clear as to what it is that you want to accomplish with your brand... what "image" you want for your brand. Once you have a unique brand identity, you will have to communicate your brand in all your marketing strategies consistently and repeatedly.

"To establish a favorable and well-defined brand personality with the consumer, the advertiser must be consistent. You can't use a comic approach today and a scientist in a white jacket tomorrow without diffusing and damaging your brand personality." -- Morris Hite

* Make a list of things that are unique about you, your company and your products or services. Based on the information on your list, create your unique brand identity. Your brand identity should help you come up with good answers to the following questions:

1. Why would anyone use your web site instead of your competitor's site?

2. Why would anyone buy from you instead of your competitors?

* Select the best marketing strategies that can create increased awareness of your unique brand identity in your target customers. Communicate your brand in all your daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly marketing strategies... consistently and repeatedly.

* Communicate what is unique about your brand as often as you can. As your customers' awareness of your brand goes up, your sales should also go up.

When you create a powerful brand identity, you will build mind share. It is not only the best competitive advantage that you can have... it is the most powerful business edge that your competitors can NEVER take away from you!


Coherence between a company's brand and the service delivery operational model is critical in the pursuit of extraordinary customer experiences. Coherence is a critical element in the successful design of any firm's operational model for service delivery.

Two simple examples of "coherence" may clarify the concept.

One luxury travel company advertises itself as expert in identifying "the best fit" between your vacation desires and various properties around the world. Yet, when consumers ask about specific details associated with a hotel (i.e., how convenient is the hotel to the Bilbao Guggenheim?) it rapidly becomes clear that the service representatives are not skilled enough, nor familiar enough, with the travel destinations to support a high-end clientele. There is an obvious coherence mismatch between the "luxury" brand identity and the experience or training of the service representatives.

In another case a major credit card company advertises its service as world class. However, billing disputes cannot be resolved over the phone or web, requiring instead written correspondence with supporting evidence gathered by the consumer from the merchant. Truly world class companies handle these same requests by phone and intercede on behalf of the customer with the merchants; requiring the merchant to provide proof rather than the consumer. As the bar for service has already been set extremely high, a new entrant trying to attract high-end consumers must match or exceed competitive offerings. Promising high-end service, then not delivering, has a more deleterious impact on loyalty than setting expectations low and consistently meeting a clear standard.

Coherence encourages self-selection among potential customers, increasing the likelihood that investments in advertising, marketing and sales will payoff in revenue growth. A strong, clear brand identity reduces the cost of sales by chasing away the vast pool of prospective customers who are unlikely to convert to paying customers.

A clear brand identity that is married to a coherent service strategy also establishes an expectation threshold that can dramatically decrease the number and intensity of customer complaints, thereby reducing the cost of exception handling tremendously. Consumers who know they are shopping in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart will have lower expectations than the fanatical fashionistas scouring the Manolo Blahnik seconds at Century 21. Sure, they're only paying $250 for the $725 Tuccio Watersnake Pumps, but they want perfection slipped into that discount wrapper.

A lack of coherence may be evidenced in relatively subtle ways, but these discontinuities are picked up by the consumers, consciously and subconsciously, creating a barely perceptible unease or discomfort which reduces the customer's propensity for repeat business. Customer deviations from the norms of loyal behavior creates, at a minimum, excessive marketing costs, at the extreme, this lack of repeat business translates into adverse word-of-mouth and the ultimate collapse of the business. Restaurants, bars and nightclubs are the classic canaries in the coal mine for this phenomenon. Without a solid core of repeat business (or extremely high non-repeating tourist traffic) a restaurant without this word of mouth cannot generate sufficient traffic through advertising alone to stay open.

Consumers easily compartmentalize their expectations and are quite comfortable shifting their demands as they enter different expectation frameworks. Parents may eat at The Fat Duck in Bray (selected best restaurant in the world in 2005) one night and take the family to Outback Steakhouse the next night; still viewing both of those disparate experiences as entirely satisfying. A consumer may drive their Maserati Quattroporte to Central Park for a $2 hotdog and not sense any dissonance because their expectations are bifurcated appropriately. Travelers can comfortably stay in the Taj, New Delhi, one night and camp under the stars in Rajasthan the next. Consumers are not, typically, demanding of the utmost in luxury and refinement from each experience they are simply demanding that each experience fit within an appropriate framework of expectations.

A company's brand identity is one of the most powerful ways in which that framework of expectations is set. The service environment supporting the brand is the other critical factor. If the brand identity is diffuse or dissonant, and the service standards unaligned, then the consumer is unable to settle on an expectation framework that fits and they do not establish a pattern of "loyal" behavior relative to that company. Repeat business is diminished and the consumer does not provide positive feedback to the word-of-mouth buzz that is so critical to long-term revenue growth.By establishing coherence between the brand identity and the service delivery model companies can begin to establish a strategy that will lead to extraordinary customer experiences.


Only a good logo can deliver the results you desire. If your logo has been intelligently designed keeping in mind the essentials of a good logo design, there is no reason why your business will not get the attention and profits you crave.

First and foremost, essentials of a good logo design demand that it should be designed keeping in mind the business needs, aspirations, industry and a perfectly coordinating color scheme that can relate to the business for which it is being designed.

Also, quality, fashion and purpose must be reflected in a logo design. A logo without these essentials will fail to get you the desired results i.e. attracting audience and getting you more clients. If you are looking for a logo design firm to design a business logo for you, make sure that you discuss all these essentials with them so that you get a logo of our choice.

The object of a good logo design is to represent a recognizable and identifiable trademark without mentioning the company's name over and over again. This identifiable and recognizable trademark acts as a silent representative and puts across your message in clearer terms than high volumes of praises.

One of the essentials of a good design includes a logo that attracts a customer. After all this is the main reason that you are having a logo designed in the first place; to get noticed. If your logo does not fulfill this purpose, it is not the one for you.

A good logo does not necessarily have to be an expensive creation by a high profile firm. It can be a simple design that portrays your business ideals competently. You logo can be simple text based design or have an illustration or a symbol that represents your business. The most important thing about your logo design should be its ability to give an aura of professionalism as well as reliability to serve its customers.

Another essential of a good logo design is that it should be eye catching and attractive. It should use a catching image if it's an image based logo or a catchy tagline if it's a text based logo. All in all, a good logo design should be suitable for whatever business it is targeting and serve its purpose of attracting more customers.

A good logo design goes a long way in adding a positive touch to your business. Thus, make sure that your logo design has this quality and it gives out a positive air to people who want to do business with you. Your logo design will be used on stationery, letterheads and other promotional material that you can use to attract clients and make your trademark more recognizable.

As it is said, first impression is the last impression; this also applies here; if your logo design manages to impress your prospective customers in the beginning you will be getting clients for life. Thus, it is essential that your logo gives a good impression and comes off as credible.

Apart from all the essentials of a good logo design, the most important are originality and elegance. You logo should not be copied or cheated. Such a logo will lose its credulity and reliability thus driving customers away. The elegance of the a logo depends on the color scheme, setting and the choice of image you chose. When you are having a logo designed, it is important to keep the essentials of a good design in mind to get the best logo for your business.


Sign designs are used for advertising of a company or its services and logos. These signs can be the best means of reaching out to the world and letting the world identify you and associate themselves with you. When exhibited well, lots of customers and professional stakeholders can be lured by these logos and recall your brand identity and boost your business. All the top brands have graphic designs, logos, display signage, etc for the purpose. In Toronto itself lots of organizations are doing brilliant work to catapult the business needs of their clients. Sign-a-rama, located in the heart of Downtown Toronto is one good example of an agency who has been doing quality work through its hardcore research team who comprise of professionals, well established in the advertising, copywriting and logo designing business. A witty and an appealing display can be the best market strategy for boosting a brand.

Toronto signage and graphic designing is done by hardcore creativans who specialize in effective logo designing and enhancing brand identity, image and reputation. Signs are the most trusted and outwardly visible aspect of a brand.Signs must be clearly visible, must be easy to visualize and remember, Must have uniqueness and must logically convey a meaning of casual or professional attitude of the company. The signs may be tactfully portrayed with a deeper meaning. A good sign mirrors every aspect of your business and helps people to be associated with you through your class services.

A good signs offers a good branding signal. It also serves as a marketing agent for your company. These organizations employ the latest techniques and technologies to promote the business of their clients. A research team and skilled craftsmanship stands behind every project of theirs. Through these sophistications these agencies have been offering maximum client satisfaction. This can be evident from the client feedback and testimonials. Many companies specializing in Logo and display services have been mushrooming up in Toronto and this has been the most creative and gifted career. These agencies have well established tie-ups who can help to boost your brand image further on. They are experts in public relations and are well equipped with techniques to give a boost to your image.

They carve out digital graphic designs, specialized logos, warehouse signage, other signposts, poster designing, interior signage, portfolio graphics and advertorials. They also furnish superior digital graphics and printing services, interior and exterior signage services, warehouse front signage, individual letters and character creation, lighted signs, monumentary signs, imprinted letters, etc. These services are the high-on-demand services that are highly sought after by corporate organizations who seek recognition, brand patronization and brand engagement.

Thus, a client can ensure sales turnover and business boost after using the right strategic advertising and mediums of promotion. These agencies offer specialized marketing mediums through which one must channelized the promos and thus get a comparative advantage over the business competitors.


Brand Engagement

Simply stated brand engagement refers to the various strategies and tactics you can use to give potential customers the opportunity to experience what you and your brand are all about. If you want real world examples of how this is done visit a Niketown, Sony or Bose store. What these retailers have in common is that they emphasize the 'experience' of using their products, not the selling. The strategy that these retailers use is to show you how well their products fit into your lifestyle. The tactic that they use is not selling, but rather, educating. Bose does a particularly good job at this. Walk into any Bose store and you can get a thorough tutorial on all things acoustic. Sales people will share with you the finer points of filling a room with sound, speaker characteristics, and other issues to consider when selecting audio components. In addition they will answer any question you have. All this is done with a low key, no pressure approach that makes it comfortable for prospects to get information and leave, make a purchase or come back at another time. Nike and Sony do comparable jobs in their arenas.

What is the magic of this approach? It recognizes a few key points. Customers:
* Control the purchasing process
* Value knowledge and information
* Love to buy but hate being sold to.

How can you do that?
At a recent seminar I challenged business owners to work with me on creating 'experiences' for their prospects that educated and gave an opportunity to get involved with the brand with 'selling'.

One example of what we developed:
* A furniture retailer - in discussing the various sales tools to his salespeople, we realized that the miniature mattresses and cut-a-way models in the store were rarely used and then only in answering a specific inquiry from a prospect. We can up with the idea of creating a one-hour seminar on how furniture was constructed and what features to look for when selecting sofas, mattresses and other furnishings. Brainstorming further we came up with the idea of including a chiropractor to discuss features of furniture to keep in mind that could help alleviate or prevent common issues related to back and joint pain and posture. Wanting to provide an additional incentive for people to attend, we decided to include hors d'oeuvres and wine. There would be no overt selling and everyone who attended could at their discretion leave contact information to be alerted about future events. How did it turn out? Tune in to next week's column for the results of this example and others.


If you're not building a unique brand identity online... your business is doomed to fail. Why? We are all bombarded with thousands of advertising messages every day. Read on to learn one of the most powerful ways to break through the advertising clutter...

With millions of web sites and businesses out there, it's hard to stand out. How do you get your customer's attention? More importantly, how do you keep your customer's loyalty? Building a unique brand identity is the secret to getting and keeping your customer's attention and loyalty. Having a powerful brand is essential to having a successful and profitable business.

Are you actively building your brand? If you're not building a brand online that sets you apart from your competitors, you're hurting your business.

Have you decided that you don't have the time and money to spend building a unique brand identity for your business? Well, guess what? Even when you decide not to actively build your brand, you are still building your brand... by default.

By virtue of just being in business, you end up with a brand identity whether you actively or passively build your brand. The only difference is that when you do not build your brand actively, you will not have the opportunity to guide your customers in developing a brand identity that you would have preferred to have.
Brand building and positioning is not something that you do to your business, product or service -- it's what happens in your customer's mind.

You have the power to influence your customer's perception of your business, product, service or opportunity. When you actively build your brand, you exercise that power to guide your customers in developing your preferred perception of your unique brand identity. With effective brand marketing, you can position yourself ahead of your competitors.

Brand Building and Marketing: Quotes and Tips

* "Every advertisement should be thought of as a contribution to the complex symbol -- the brand image. You now have to decide what 'image' you want for your brand. Image means personality. Products, like people, have personalities and they can make or break them in the market place." -- David Ogilvy

* "In advertising... not to be different is virtually suicidal." -- William Bernbach

* "General advertising is Cyrano. He comes under your window and sings; people get used to it and ignore it. But if Roxane responds, there's a relationship. We move the brand relationship up a notch. Advertising becomes a dialogue that becomes an invitation to a relationship." -- Lester Wunderman

* "To establish a favorable and well-defined brand personality with the consumer, the advertiser must be consistent. You can't use a comic approach today and a scientist in a white jacket tomorrow without diffusing and damaging your brand personality." -- Morris Hite

* "If you ever have the good fortune to create a great advertising campaign, you will soon see another agency steal it. This is irritating, but don't let it worry you; nobody has ever built a brand by imitating somebody else's advertising." -- David Ogilvy
* "There's no secret formula for advertising success, other than to learn everything you can about the product. Most products have some unique characteristic... and the really great advertising comes right out of the product and says something about the product that no one else can say. Or at least no one else is saying." -- Morris Hite


Whether you sell to consumers, contractors or big corporations, your customers are bombarded with messages every day. In this environment, companies cannot assume that prospects, or even long-time customers, know all about them. Companies must find a message that strongly communicates their added value. In many cases, they must also manage a portfolio of brands sold through a variety of distribution channels. To help companies develop winning strategies that meet the needs of multiple customer segments, Smart Business spoke with Bob Segal, a Principal at Frank Lynn & Associates Inc. and the leader of the firm's Brand Strategy Practice.

What does it mean for a brand to communicate added value?

More than 60 years ago, psychologist Abraham Maslow described consumers' needs using a pyramid with basic needs such as food or sleep at the base and higher-level needs such as acquiring knowledge, being creative or contributing to society at the top. We have developed a similar approach on the business-to-business side, emphasizing higher-level needs like improving customers' productivity, reducing their life-cycle costs or helping them develop new products. For consumers or corporations, adding value means linking your brand with these higher-level needs.

Is it enough to merely link your brand with these higher-level needs?

A successful brand position must satisfy three conditions: it must be unique, compelling and credible. Linking your brand with a compelling customer need in a unique way is a good start. However, many companies falter in the implementation phase when credibility is proven or refuted.

Can you give us an example?

For one of our business-to-business clients, we developed a position that emphasized how the company works closely with its customers to reduce costs and production setup time. The client used a variety of internal media to educate its employees about setup time reduction in its own manufacturing facilities, created employee-client cost-reduction teams, and even created a setup time-reduction institute on its Web site.

Even if you have a unique, compelling and credible position, how do you get the message out in such a 'noisy' environment?

The key to getting your company's message heard is developing an integrated marketing effort. You need to coordinate your advertising, Web site, brochures, distributor training and motivation, employee communications, word-of-mouth and telemarketing scripts. Then you need to translate all of this into a campaign focused on specific, targeted customer groups or segments.

We talked earlier about customer needs. What can a company do if it has a diverse set of customers with different needs?

In the world of branding, we often talk about brand architecture. This concept addresses how many brands a company requires and the relationship among those brands. My default position is, the fewer brands the better. Using a single brand costs less, is easier to manage internally and easier to understand externally.

However, your question is astute because many markets today are fragmented. We have a client that sells nail guns to consumers, contractors and industrial users. Each of those groups is composed of multiple subsets. In a perfect world, you would stretch your single brand to cover all those groups. In reality, finding a single compelling message for such diverse groups is difficult. Many companies often develop new brands when a single brand simply won't due. Toyota's launch of the Lexus brand is a classic example.

How does a company with multiple brands coherently communicate different messages to different markets?

The answer is complex, but one key is to carefully coordinate which brands are sold through which distribution channels. In my Toyota/Lexus example, Toyota recognized the premium or luxury message it wanted to communicate with its Lexus brand would be undercut by the middle-class nature of its existing dealerships. To carry the Lexus brand, Toyota required its dealers to establish separate Lexus-branded dealerships that oozed the luxury image.

Can't companies just outsource their brand work to advertising or public relations agencies?

Some agencies do stellar work. However, many agencies--particularly those that work for smaller companies--are often more comfortable designing brochures or writing press releases than developing overall brand strategies. Brand strategy reflects a company's overall mission and the vision of the CEO. While advisers can help, the true success of any brand strategy is the creation of an idea that uniquely and credibly solves key customers' compelling problems.


Nature logos are best used by companies that offer services such as cleaning and environmental protection programs. They are also best for theme parks and resorts that are located away from the hustle and bustle of the city and aim to provide a relaxing and serene environment to people who want to unwind and rest.

Nature logos as apparent by the name incorporate nature and natural aspects in their images and design that give a sense of being closer to nature and environment. They can also be called environmental logos as they both work for the same cause that is promoting the natural environment.

Nature or environment logos make use of images and symbols that include natural settings and give a sense of outdoor and freedom. The most frequently images used in this regard are leaves, trees, butterflies, mountains, oceans and wild animals that aptly represent the outdoor settings very beautifully. These logos are designed keeping in mind the role of outdoor environment in our lives and how nature can affect us.

Most of the nature or environment logos are used by companies and organizations that are fighting to preserve the nature and save it from destructive agents such as pollution, land mining, wars and other things can cause disrupt this harmonious balance. These logos aim to display the friendly nature and the alluring aspects of nature that beckon people to explore and discover it by coming to the companies that offer these opportunities.

Nature logos also combine other land and natural issues such as landscaping, irrigation, agricultural business and farming. They can be for companies as well as individuals who work closely associated with natural environment.

When designing a nature logo, it is very important to keep the earthy tones in mind as nature and earth go together. In this regard, the choice of colors also becomes limited as not every color can be used for nature and earth. The most common and suitable colors are green, blue, brown, yellow and other pastels combinations that give a soft and gentle look to the logo keeping in mind the nurturing aspect of nature.

Nature logos look best in outdoor environments that show a natural side of things to give them a touch of reality. The theme of nature logos centers around nature, focusing on the line of business you are in. They focus on being more natural, inspiring as well as rouse feelings of trust and emotions that are very strongly associated with nature.

Combined with environment friendly theme and selection of light colors, nature logo designs can go a long way in motivating people to bring their business to you. In this regard, a large number of logo design companies provide pre-made as well as custom design logos. Apart from them, nature logo templates are also available that portray the fauna and fauna as well as the other natural aspects and can be used for designing your company logo.
These natural logos go a long way in promoting the resorts, theme parks and other organizations that provide services related to nature offering solitude and relaxation. A crafty and imaginative nature logo can help people relate to it and bring you more success in business.


Entertainment industry is a very big as well as a very profitable one. To succeed in this industry you need to have an attractive and lively logo that entices customers and makes them come to you. Logos are very essential for a prosperous and booming business and attractive as well as charming entertainment logos goes a long way in making your business famous and known. With their eye-catching and artistic designing, entertainment logos can help you establish yourself and make a name in the entertainment industry.

One such example of a famous entertainment logo is that of MTV, the international music television. Even though the channel is only available in English language and a large number of people do not listen to English songs or understand them, yet millions can recognize the logo in an instant. This makes this channel a world renowned entertainment provider that is earning millions of dollars with its advertising and programs only. Sponsors like to place their ads on such popular entertainment providers as they know that people are most likely to buy their products when they are advertised by such a big brand name. Entertainment channel and Warner Brothers are some other famous entertainment logos.

Designing an entertainment logo in some cases can provide to be more difficult than for any other industry. The reason is that other industries like engineering, construction or education can be represented by certain images and symbols such as dams and bridges, buildings and chimneys and pens and shields respectively. On the contrary, entertainment includes a variety of categories in itself that can range from picnic and parties to TV and music as well as carnivals and circus.

Thus, when thinking of having a logo designed for your entertainment business, it is important to keep in mind your line of business and what would be the best image, symbol, color and text for your entertainment logo. However, keep in mind that simplicity is the best thing, no matter which colors and images you use, a simple logo conveys the message very easily as compared to a complicated one that takes a while to be understood and grasped.

It should also be remembered that your entertainment logo will be used on a variety of places such as banners, cards, brochures and for other advertising purpose and people from all walks of life will have a look at it; hence, it should be simple and straightforward while at the same time attractive and catchy.

To get a winning logo, it is necessary to conduct an extensive research and see what makes them successful. Some logos are logotype i.e. they only contain text or a short catch phrase that makes them a hit. Some logos are symbolic and only consist of an image. Along with this, the design of logo also matters a lot. A stylish and modern logo with flashy and bright colors is bound to attract young and old alike.

Entertainment logos have a wide scope for success as they include informal graphics and freestyle fonts. They do not have to adhere to restrictions of businesses that need a serious image. On the other hand, they need to be trendy, light, alive and non-serious to give an inviting look. They are compatible with all the colors of the spectrum as they can fit any where. After all they are entertainment logos and need to look entertaining to people to lure them!
Another benefit of having an entertainment logo is that people remember you for the services you provide. Thus, you are sure to get a boost in your business if the last entertainment event you organized was a success and people will notice you for your entertainment plans and arrangements. It can be any entertainment business such as carnivals organization, a television program or a musical event. No matter what you do, if you are good at your services and have a fitting logo, you will definitely have a soaring business in your hands.


Company image is a big deal. Thousands of small businesses have not looked twice at how the public perceives their company, yet big companies spend millions of dollars per year on public relations. Customers mean sales, the better your image, the more trust that is created, the more sales are made. Focusing on your PR can be much more beneficial than just the short term publicity.

Small businesses have to do pretty much everything themselves, from marketing, to putting through sales, leaving most business owners thinking, that they do not have the knowledge or the time to deal with their own public relations(PR). But PR is more than fundraisers and charity spots. PR deals with advertising; focuses on promotion, marketing and following up clients. Small business owners are already working on their own public image without knowing it, and usually following the lines of big business, use one of two areas vital areas of marketing, branding or direct marketing.

So what is right for you, branding or direct marketing? If you have ever listened to your local radio, you will almost always hear direct marketing, with hundreds of businesses telling you to come in and buy their product right now. Very few use branding. Branding is advertising your brand or product without a call to action or sales talk; you will often see this with new products launched by large corporations. Branding together with distribution is a very popular tactic in industries such as the beverage industry. A client’s trust means a lot, but you will not get it by telling them what do to all the time. Many small businesses never become large businesses because all the advertising produced is direct marketing to their targeted audience.
Of course, in special cases, it is appropriate to use direct marketing without any branding, for example, selling and e-book or a program online. Using a single page sales letter in this case is completely appropriate, because branding would not significantly influence sales. That is, unless you wrote another e-book, or another program. Then branding may be appropriate.

Corporations and big companies use branding to launch new products and subsidiary companies. You will often see new products advertisements on TV, without them telling you where to get them, how much they are or sometimes even what they are. This is a great example of branding, the approach is creating trust around the businesses name, logo and if applicable, slogan.We come back to the question, what is right for your business? Branding is for companies or businesses that are just starting out and what to create awareness of their service. Direct marketing will create sales. Depending on your marketing and advertising strategy you may choose either one. If creating sales, then gives you the money for branding, you might want to try that, but if you have got a little bit of capital, branding first will create trust for your direct marketing campaign, making more sales than without branding. The marketing strategy you choose will determine what the best is for your company.


Successful branding really is all about one thing: recognition from your customers, when your customers are able to identify just what your company, product, or service is all about and are able to separate you from your competition.

At that point you've already taken one of the most important steps toward grabbing their attention. Branding uses several methods to ensure that your company name is at the top of the list and that your potential customers can find you among all the competition that exists on the Internet.

Branding has one aim: to earn the trust of your customers so that they buy from you, buy repeatedly from you, and refer you to family and friends.

You will want to develop branding for your business. Websites that lets your customers quickly recognize who you are, what your products or services are, and a logo that is easily identified with the image that represents quality, service, and value.

Brand recognition should be a direct reflection of the products and services that you're selling as well as the personal style of your business. There are different methods that you can infuse into your branding marketing strategy so that you can gain that all important recognition for your business:

•Packaging that is creative. You want to create packaging for your products that can be easily identified by your customers and that they'll remember when they see your product online or offline in your brick-and-mortar store.

•Communication that is visual. You want to create a logo for your business that can be displayed on the packaging of your products or that symbolizes the services that you're selling. This type of visual communication with your customers will help them to recognize your business in an instant. Not only should your logo be displayed on your packaging, it should also display prominently on your business cards, catalogs, letterhead, brochures, and any other type of media that you use for the marketing of your business.

•Advertising campaigns that boost your business. Take every opportunity to expose your business to all kinds of media. You want to encourage and improve your company profile whenever you can so that customers trust and rely on you and your products.

Make sure that you have strategies in place that implement successful and positive branding for your business. Some strategies that you should keep in mind include having clear and precise goals and knowing what your company stands for, having a mission statement that is strong and definite so that you know exactly where your business is going and how you want to arrive at that destination, being determined and constant in the way you deal with your customers so that they know what they can expect each time that they do business with you, and remembering that branding is all about reaching your customers and staying in touch with them.
The bottom line is that branding allows you to sell your products or services to customers in a way that makes you stand out from the crowd of competitors, each of whom is looking for his or her share of Internet business.


Designs can change the world. This may sound lofty but it is something that people have come to believe and that has been reinforced by other designers; discussed and debated at conferences. Sure it is a lofty belief but it keeps things going. Anybody loves and appreciates good design. But you have to admit that ultimately the design of anything is only successful when it clearly communicates its message. Unlike art, there are rules in design: there are the grids that one builds within and the brands that contain them. What is the key to survive such a rigorous structure? Knowing when to break the grid and holding nothing sacred.

Design is always a passionate endeavour. But Creative Strategy is not. And design has to be innovative. Can you imagine a world without innovation? A world without basic medicine such as penicillin where a minor infection could be life threatening; a world where we still take our clothes down to the riverbank and beat them with rocks to clean them; a world where we cannot store food for longer than a day because we have no way to chill or freeze. It is hard to imagine. Steve Hilton argues that ‘behind every great brand lies a valuable social benefit delivered through innovation’ and cites some recent examples of how brands have improved customers’ lives in developing countries. And behind every leading brand there is good innovative design to market it.

Brands are everywhere. There is nowhere in the western world you can go where you will not see, buy or encounter a brand in some shape or form. As widespread, however, is the lack of understanding about the nature and role of brands. When you buy a can of Coke anywhere in the world you are assured of three things: firstly, a distinctive product; secondly, a great taste and thirdly, an assurance of a high level of quality, a quality that the consumer has become accustomed to and trusts to deliver their expectations. The truth is that people like brands. One benefit of brands’ cultural ubiquity is the ability to harness a widespread appeal for promoting social good.

Logo designs have a widespread influence on consumer attitudes towards brands. Logos have played an important role not only in brand promotion but have also come handy for conveying the brands motive across to its targeted consumers. Coca Cola has used its brand to create sexual health campaigns in Africa to combat AIDS; McDonald’s has a long tradition of supporting local communities; MTV has used its organization to change attitudes towards issues such as AIDS, environmental protection and human rights and ASDA supermarkets have campaigned against domestic violence. All these big brands have employed creative skills to convey the message through their logos.
Researchers have found that brand name characteristics and their effects on either memory or attitudes have been of primary importance. Although research claims brand logos generate positive consumer response to the brand. On one side, consistency has been shown to have positive impact on attitude. This could be epitomized by integrated marketing communications where brand elements “should talk with a single voice", to consumers in order to enhance brand attitudes. On the other side moderate incongruity effects have been shown to have a positive impact on attitudes as well. The figurativeness of logos have increased the coherence in communication signs and led to unique brand building strategies. People need someone or something to depend upon, and they choose well-known brands, while shopping, because they are assured that they can depend upon the brand. The known logo the known color, the recognized design- all makes them believe, 'yes , this is something that will not betray me. This is some thing I can rely upon.’


Everyone agrees -

Nothing "brands" you and your profession like TV.

We also know that the extent of our branding success determines our income.

Personal and professional branding is our business pledge. However, as we wrap together our commitment to the public in marketing our brand, we simultaneously reap the financial rewards of branding exposure. "Coke" is one of the most successful brands in the world. The unique image and identity of the word "Coke" is so deeply ingrained in our culture that even the right-shaped bottle with a partial lettering of the name portrays the branding!

Coca-Cola's marketing and advertising since pharmacist John Stith Pemberton's concoction in the 1880s is layered in branding through time that no new product or service can ever equal. We, as professionals, businesses and entrepreneurs, will never match Coca-Cola's branding management of over a century.

But, we strive to emulate the similarity.

Our only hope of accomplishment, in terms of speed in acquisition, is with television. TV is the single venue that offers the fastest means available for developing personal and business branding. When you and your business or profession are constantly seen on local or national television, you will become branded.

The begging question is: what is the cost? Everyone knows the cost of TV advertising and marketing is staggering.

Gunthy-Renker is the nation's most successful infomercial producer, with $1.5 billion in sales last year. The cost of a Gunthy-Renker infomercial can be as much as over $400,000. You also may need to engage the services of a professional copyright, such as Dan Kennedy, to write your 30 minute script at a cost of $50,000 or more. Then to "air" your 30 minute infomercial - one time - can cost even an additional $25,000 for each airing. But, the results are astounding. The George Foreman Grill is the #1 Counter Top Appliance in America today, and has sold over 65 million units through infomercials.

So, how can the "little guy" afford it? Whether you are a chiropractor or an orthodontic dentist, you need TV branding for a successful practice that is financially lucrative. You may clean houses or sell houses, but your financial success depends on your branding management. If you sell Mary Kay Cosmetics or are a cosmetic surgeon, your pocketbook reflects your branding skill. The "Avon Lady" in town who is most successful at branding... earns the most income.

How can you use TV marketing and advertising when it is so expensive?

The secret is a new combination now available with TV and Internet Marketing The media are already blending with the Internet. Newspapers have Internet sites. Local and national television stations merge the news with their Internet sites. The "handwriting on the wall" is integration.

What does this mean to you in branding yourself and your life's work?

We all know that an Internet site can be "cheap" to create and maintain. But how can TV branding be "cheap?" And how can these two venues be combined "on the cheap?"

The skillful management in mixing "cheap" TV with the Internet can now create a "cheap" branding methodology. Various forms of finding inexpensive TV spots are available to every professional and business that learns where these outlets exist. FCC-mandated "leased access" channels and cable stations offer alternatives to expensive network time. Even prime-time network spots are often available at inexpensive rates.
Bottom line, you can combine "cheap" TV and the Internet to brand yourself at remarkable savings. Right now, 30 minute infomercials are being aired nightly in L.A. at the cost of $1500 per month! In fact, you can actually "air" your 30 minute branding commercial anywhere in the U.S. for less than the cost of an ad in the newspaper classifieds!